Bash Simple Curses - aka BSC

Bash Simple Curses is a simple bash library to create windows and dashboards. It doesn't require any dependencies. The library provides several functions to call to help you to create interfaces.

BSC is not intended to create interactive forms. Even you can make manage some interactions, you'd rather use whiptail or dialog wich are adapted on form creation.

BSC is a presentation library. You can use it to present monitoring, job results, etc.

How to use?

Place the library ( file) inside your project or somewhere else. Then source the script as usual:

source path/to/


  • create a main function where you define the windows
  • end by a call to main_loop
source ../

    # create a window
    window "Example" "blue" "50%"
        append "Hello world"
        append "The date command"
        append_command "date"

    # move on the next column

    # and create another window
    window "Example 2" "red" "50%"
        append "Hello world"
        append "The date command"
        append_command "date"

Simple example

BSC proposes several others functions like addsep, append_tabbed, append_file...

Go to the command reference to lean more.